Clay Holle

Reddam House



Wax, Wire and photograghs

My intent in my body of work was to explore how plant-like structures can be manipulated to shape and bend their directional growth. Using the malleable properties of wax I melted and shaped ‘branches’ supported with wire bones to build abstract structures that defy nature’s normal patterns, then incorporated elements of wire and bindings to restrict and encourage altered growth. The direction that each branch takes is affected by these constraints just as experiences alter one’s path in life.

My artmaking practice has been influenced by the study and interpretation of the artist Janet Laurence.

Marker's Commentary

This body of work creates intriguing biomorphic forms that interconnect the physicality of sculptural forms with the key concept of sustainability. These ambiguous organic forms could be interpreted as surreal trees or blacken coral, with the limbs in arabesque. Central is the corporeal sense of the title, Resilience, Resistance, Persistence reflected in the forms anthropomorphising into tortured beings that defiantly stand. There is a multifaceted understanding of the modelling of the forms, innovative use of materials, subtle use of objects and inventive integration of the plinth which is incorporated as a sculptural device.