Lucy Reid

Australian Performing Arts Grammar School



Fine line of paper

My body of work explores the seven deadly sins of Roman Catholic theology: envy, greed, lust, gluttony, pride, wrath and sloth. Individuals within the Catholic faith are considered sinful if they commit these immoral acts. There is one panel for each sin, represented through key behaviours, inspired by history and animals' characteristics. Envy: jealousy and malicious behaviour. Lust: uncontrolled cravings. Gluttony: the desire to over-consume. Pride: untethered arrogance. Wrath: unbridled anger, rage and hatred. Greed: irrational desire.

My artmaking practice has been influenced by the study and interpretation of the following artists: Albrecht Dürer, Pieter van der Heyden.

Marker's Commentary

The seven drawings of pen on paper that constitute Sinister are a deftly articulated exploration of unsettling ideas. The artist's clever use of compositional devices tie seemingly disparate ideas together. The confident use of sophisticated hatching and cross hatching, create deep areas of texture, tone and depth across the panels. From left to right, the central composition with embedded framing leads to the next panel where diagonal positioning of subject matter directs the eye to the next panel.

The subject matter is combined in a manner reminiscent of Surrealism and the crowded, tormented bodies of Hieronymus Bosch. The middle panel is centrally composed, allowing the viewer's eye to rest and closely observe the carefully rendered, grotesque oddity presented. This compositional pattern is repeated until the final panel which is beautifully drawn; intimating a dreamlike sequence, with archaeological layering and striations falling away to unknown depths.