Maeve McNulty

Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Senior Campus



Wire, papier-mâché, iron paint

A conscious choice. A voluntary cycle of love and loss. My body of work expresses an understanding of the unity forged between two exceedingly contrasting organisms, alike in their nature, differing in the time nature has granted them. This selection of short-lived ambiguous figures is intended to represent the emotions in this relationship while allowing viewers their own interpretation of the figures' features. The changing scale of the statues moves the focal point from start to finish, and the series can loop around to start again if observed that way, alluding to the continuous cycle of this specific 'memento mori'.

My artmaking practice has been influenced by the study and interpretation of the following artists: Alberto Giacometti, Peter Dorreen.

Artist Interview

Marker's Commentary

This body of work, inspired by the captivating relationships between humans and dogs, is comprised of ephemeral sculptural figures, varying in size and posture, interacting with a dog. Each component has been constructed carefully to capture the essence of the figure. Sinuous line is employed in crafting these imaginative, playful, and exquisitely crafted figurines with colour and surface texture simplistically replicating living beings. The spaces within this sculpture enhance the momentary and playful relationships presented. Contrasting this shared friendship are isolated fissures which are slumped in loss and dismay, heightening the emotional content of this sculpture and gentling tethering the artwork to its title in portraying the inevitability of death. This highly accomplished work beautifully captures lifelong relationships with humans and dogs. Quietly, within the interactions between the figures, trust, loyalty and companionship are portrayed successfully throughout these engaging lyrical forms.