Holly Boland

Dulwich High School of Visual Arts and Design



Coloured pencil on paper

When you look in the mirror, who do you see? When I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Hodgkin Lymphoma in 2021 I saw a stranger, a companion, an evolution of who I was before. My life was irrevocably changed, and although it felt like the end it was really the beginning of something new. Through the symbolism of my colourful wigs, my body of work represents time passing and my growing acceptance as I progressed through treatment, emerging stronger on the other side. Chiaroscuro lighting and fauvist colours convey my experience of self-expression and resilience in the face of adversity.

My artmaking practice has been influenced by the study and interpretation of the following artists: Leonardo da Vinci, Lady with an Ermine; Johannes Vermeer, Girl with a Pearl Earring; Holly Warburton, Asteraceae; Henri Matisse, Woman with a Hat; Cindy Sherman.

Marker's Commentary

Colour in the Darkness presents three striking self portrait panels which meet the audience in darkness, particularly, the central more monochromatic work with a resounding forlorn gaze. The portraits either side, look back towards the centre through expressions, questioning or reflecting on each other. There is no distraction from the background, intentionally black, evoking a feeling of a quietly staged studio photographic shoot. The moods depicted in the series key in with expertly controlled pencil work. As noted in the title, the sense of drama is heightened by the colour choices in panel one and three, exploring low key and high key light effects. This is countered by the black and grey tones in the middle work, while making a connection to the other portraits by referencing the magenta and yellow tones from the neighbouring imagery. The rendering of hair is an impressive focal point, heightened in its realism but also suggesting a wig and a subject experiencing hardship and strength. The drawing practice is exceptionally consistent in the handling light and interpretation of the figurative forms.