Sarah McCullough

St John Bosco College



Acrylic on Canvas

Painting these 13 canvases revealed something to me. The initial concept for my body of work was to represent the vibrant essence of our precious Australian flora and fauna, and the environment which I love and in which I thrive. However, as I did more research, my passion and concern for our natural ecosystems grew. It became clear that once animals become extinct, they leave only two things behind: the fading memory of their existence and a poignant reminder of the fragility of life. It is our responsibility to protect these defenceless creatures and not take them for granted.

My artmaking practice has been influenced by the study and interpretation of the following artists: Grahame Base, Vincent Van Gogh , Grace Cossington Smith, Taz Witkamp

Marker's Commentary

Fragility of Life is a commanding artwork emphasising the delicate balance that sustains ecosystems and the potential threats they face from human activity or climate change. Intricate connections between various elements of the ecosystem, plants, animals, microorganisms, and their physical environment are depicted across 13 painted panels. A gnarly tree, richly adorned with Australian flora and fauna, becomes the centrepiece of the painting. Realistic painting techniques vividly depict the varying textures of bark, fur and petals, bringing attention to their uniqueness, inviting closer inspection.

Colour is applied confidently with sweeping brushstrokes and layered intricate details while flowers create pattern, along with the vast root structure of the tree suggesting verdant land. The arrangement of the animals and plants skilfully engages the audience visually, as well as emotionally and intellectually, encouraging them to reflect on the importance of ecosystems and their role in preserving them. This sophisticated painting practice capably demonstrates the conceptual nature of connectedness and is cohesive in its representation.